Intro to Canyoning Course
Begin canyoning by creating safe, efficient habits and learn to think critically & move effectively in a swift water canyon.
Our June 6-8 course is open (august is full)
Email or call 541-716-1463
Stevenson, WA
Gear available for additional rental fee
$750 per person
6 participants max
This course is designed as an introduction to canyoning in an aquatic and flowing canyon. The goal is to provide students with a strong foundation of skills and create excellent canyon habits with an emphasis on communication, teamwork and moving slowly.
Participants can expect 3 days of learning, challenge and fun! By the end of the 3 days, students should be safe and active participants in appropriately rated canyons.
For Questions or to request a spot in the course, email Andrew:
Lead Instructor: Andrew Jimenez - Owner of Cascade Canyon Guides & American Canyoneering Association Lead Pro Guide
Topics (not guaranteed or limited to)
Canyon Selection & Preparation
Personal & Team Equipment
Basic Knots
Intro to Anchors
Rope Management
Vertical Movement & Progression
Horizontal Movement & Progression
Intro to Hazard Identification/Mitigation
Intro to Self Rescue
Intro Swimming Techniques
Pre Requisites
Ability to hike 5 miles on rocky, uneven terrain
Ability to do so with a 20 lb. pack
Confident Rappeller
Confident and comfortable swimmer
No aversion to heights or vertical exposure